Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tropical Storm Lee = dead baby chickens

The rain and cold from Tropical Storm Lee wiped out all but one of the surviving chicks from our May hatchery order.  At least 40 dead.  I don't know how many were still alive but one little Rhode Island Red is the only survivor.  Very disheartening, and very not-fun to dispose of that many 3 month old dead chickens.

Still only getting a few eggs a week from the adult hens.  I suspect they're going to start molting soon, as they are over a year old now.  So no real egg production from them for awhile, and no new generation to take up the slack.

No duck eggs found either.  I've been buying eggs from the grocery store but they just aren't as tasty as free range farm eggs.

On the good news side, we are getting at least a gallon a day of milk now, between Viola and Little Bit.  Once Little Bit's buckling went to his new home and I started getting all the milk, we no longer have any milk shortage.  More like an overage.  I've made soft cheese once and it was pretty good, so that will be one way to store milk.  Make it into cheese and freeze it.

Still haven't sold Missy the TWH mare.  It's all good either way, she can live here if there are no buyers.  Just seems a shame for a sweet little mare to go to waste as a pasture ornament.  I need to email the therapeutic riding center down the road and see if they would take her as a donation, I know they have other TWH's.

And now I should go to bed, tomorrow we go to town to visit family.