Saturday, February 11, 2012

First goat kids of 2012

Wednesday afternoon, Feb 8th, I thought our doe Viola was in early labor. So I left her in the "maternity ward" stall in the barn and checked on her every couple of hours or so. I noticed Little Bit wasn't with the rest of the herd but hanging around the barn, but I figured it was just because I was there. She's our "puppy dog" doe, who would rather be with humans than goats. On my 4pm or so barn check I took loose minerals with me to refill feeders, and when I went in the "communal" stall the rest of the herd uses, Little Bit ran in with me. I turned around to shoo her out and lo and behold, she's laying down grunting and a water bag is appearing. She had no goo, had just started barely bagging up, and no sign of being ready to kid.  Within ten minutes she had given birth to twins, one buckling and one doeling!  Both very healthy, very cute and very active.  

And Viola still hasn't kidded.  After Viola will be Oreo if I don't sell her first, then Madeline if she is even pregnant.  She doesn't look it but then Little Bit didn't look ready to pop out twins either.

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