Friday, June 13, 2014

2014 Goat Kidding stories, last two

Ruby Goat (so called because we have long had a horse named Ruby)  was next to kid, and she had another textbook kidding.  Buck/doe twins, born and walking and nursing when I found them the morning of April 12th.  The doeling got the spots for once, and the buckling is just plain brown.

RubyG's twins, buck on left, doe on right.  Just born, still wobbly.  :)

Last to kid was Amelia, with doe/doe twins.  I was lucky enough to be in the barn when she went into labor and got to see the birth.  She had a tiny brown doeling with a half-belt, and a loud-spotted black and white doeling.

Amelia's twin doelings, just born.

Unfortunately, the black and white spotted doeling got under the stall door, and into the barn hallway.  She got too cold away from her mother and was almost dead when I found her.  I tried to warm her up but she was too far gone, and died.  :(  That really hurt, because she was gorgeous and her mother is an awesome milker.  More daughters from her would be great.
RIP Wingnut Farms H/A Mighty Shiny

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