Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ducks, ducks and more ducks.

So, the people we bought the Ancona duck eggs to hatch out here, are moving out of state. They are selling out a lot of their adult and juvenile ducks. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go buy at least an adult trio (a drake and two ducks) from them in the next couple of days, and possibly a few 14 weeks old juveniles as well.

Pretty sure the baby goat is sold, just have to find out how soon his new owner wants to take him.

Still need to put up a CraigsList ad to sell Missy, the TWH mare.

Still no eggs from the Chicken Horde. They stopped laying, probably because of the heat wave last month, and haven't started back up again that I can tell. Really dislike having to buy eggs at the store and still feed 2 dozen hens! Maybe the new ducks will pick up the chickens' slack.

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